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¿Qué Personaje de Tekken eres?

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¿Qué Personaje de Tekken eres? Empty ¿Qué Personaje de Tekken eres?

Mensaje  Invitado Dom Dic 20, 2009 2:46 pm

Para Chicas aquí:
Me salió Jun n_n
¿Qué Personaje de Tekken eres? 1101862309sjundreams1
y para ambos aquí:
Christie Monteiro

Christie`s grandfather, a great Capoeira master, was released from prison after a long incarceration. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with an incurable illness, and he was given only six months to live, but a cure might be possible with possessing the technology from the Mishima Zaibatsu. Several days later, Christie learns of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. She sees it as a chance to save her grandfather, believing that if she possesses the advanced technology of the Mishima Zaibatsu, she may be able to find a cure for him.
¿Qué Personaje de Tekken eres? 364pxchristiemonteirocg


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¿Qué Personaje de Tekken eres? Empty Re: ¿Qué Personaje de Tekken eres?

Mensaje  Zack Dom Dic 20, 2009 2:54 pm

me salio hwoarang n_n
Which Tekken character are you?

My Results:

¿Qué Personaje de Tekken eres? Full_108981749

Hwoarang defeated his rival, Jin, at The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. His greatest desire was fulfilled, even though he was angry that Jin did not take the match seriously due to his family problems. Hwoarang rides on his motorcycle, speeding along the freeway, mumbling to himself, "This sucks!" Suddenly, Hwoarang looks ahead to find Devil Jin standing in the road ahead. Hwoarang tries to skid his motorcycle to a stop, but Devil Jin raises his hand and seemingly blows up his motorcycle psychokinetically. Hwoarang is thrown from the explosion and rolls along the pavement. As he gets to his feet, he sees a smirking Devil Jin approaching, surrounded by flames. Weary and hurt, Hwoarang gets to his feet, challenging Devil Jin by saying "You stupid...come on!" As he prepares for this new foe, a grin appears on Hwoarang`s face.

Sagitario Cabra
Cantidad de envíos : 63
Fecha de inscripción : 25/08/2009
Edad : 32
Localización : gongaga

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¿Qué Personaje de Tekken eres? Empty Re: ¿Qué Personaje de Tekken eres?

Mensaje  Kuja Lun Dic 28, 2009 4:31 am

En el de chicas:
Julia Chang

¿Qué Personaje de Tekken eres? 1101863230_ulia_chang

Y en el de todos:

Which Tekken character are you?

Steve Fox

Steve Fox remains the only character in the Tekken universe to not use kicks (except in some instances, such as getting up from a fall or using a simple foot stomp). Due to his Oxford-style boxing technique, the Left Punch and Right Punch buttons control his punches while the kick buttons are used for evasive maneuvers such as "bobbing" and "weaving." Despite not having any kick moves, he remains a versatile character due to his speed and ability to remain elusive. In Tekken 5, Steve has a single right kick attack which is performed by pressing up and towards the opponent in conjunction with the right kick button.

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Mago Negro
Mago Negro

Acuario Cabra
Cantidad de envíos : 233
Fecha de inscripción : 13/08/2009
Edad : 32
Localización : Árbol Lifa

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